Monday, August 16, 2010


Just recently i started making ice cream and wow have I been missing out on how amazing it is to make your own from scratch and its so easy! I started out making my favorite flavor, which was vanilla bean and moved on to more common flavors such as chocolate. Now that my understanding of ice cream is expanding I am beginning to see that I can add in almost anything and turn it into ice cream, i could even make a savory style one! So, while looking for some recipes for class I came across the idea for avocado ice cream found here Then i cam across recipes for green tea ice cream, which brought my mind to start thinking of some more savory ice cream which would kind of combine the methods od tea ice cream with those of the avocado style. What if i could do a spinach and onion ice cream which cuts back on the sweetness and allows the flavors of the spinach and onion to come out. After finding such crazy recipes I realized the world of ice cream is limitless and it's no wonder so many people have entered this sect of the culinary world! It sure inspired me!

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