Monday, August 23, 2010


There are very few times while cruising through the web that I find a site which I feel speaks to me. This website was one I have been inspired by for some time and it is made by a young chef named David Leathers. While trying to figure out what I was going to do with my culinary career once I get out of school, I decided it might be a good idea to have my own website for people to contact me directly and perhaps make some money from it. David's website spoke to me because it is so similar to my own idea for myself. David specializes in fruit carving and attended culinary school himself. On his site he sells how-to books, his own line of knives as well as merchandise such as T-shirts with funny slogans for people to purchase. When it comes to looking for direction and advice in this particular sect of culinary arts the true professionals are far and few between. Moreover, finding a carving chef in the US who isn't asian is quite a rareity. The problem with the majority of these carvers is that they don't speak very good english and they do not even have websites or a way to contact them. I have taken the step of contacting David in hopes that perhaps in my own career path he might be able to lend some advice which would set me in the right direction. Currently I have been inspired by his site to come up with my own T-shirt line I could sell on my website which is in the making. I have been thinking for a while now about making my own how-to videos which David also does, however in my idea I want them to be offered online as well as DVD format so people can easily get the videos with no wait time. Another inspiration from the site is to figure out how to get my work more well-known. Hopefully with a little help from David there will be one more professional carving chef providing easy to understand information to the public.

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