Monday, August 2, 2010


After reading a post found here It made me start to think about my own restaurant and some of our recipes. The link takes you to a review of the cheesecake stuffed pancakes at IHOP. The review basically said that the pancakes were too much with their filling, and some of the response comments were along the lines of pancakes being sweet enough as they are, or that perhaps breakfast dishes such as these stuffed pancakes must be meant for kids. This made me think, people want something different in their breakfast items, something they're not used to seeing. Pancakes after all get boring after a few years. So what do people do? They go to places like IHOP and try things such as this and get disappointed. But what if a place offered something different that adults would enjoy as well as kids? This made me begin to think of my own stuffed pancake recipe. Something that would not be so overly sweet, or simply piped out like sourcream at taco bell as the article suggests the cheesecake is done at IHOP. Most recipes for stuffed pancakes to be made like normal and simply have something squezzed inbetween 2 pancakes. What fun is that? Anyone can put sweet things between layers. I decided to make a recipe in which the sweet stuffing would be put directly in the batter when the pancake is made so the each pancake essentially has its own sweet creamy stuffing. My recipe? Well I can not give away the exact ingredients as it will be a signature pancake dish at my restaurant Cafe du Marche but it is a house pancake batter poured onto the griddle with the creamy chocolate stuffing placed right on top and when the pancake is flipped it heats and melts the stuffing throughout the pancake bottom and creates a truly unique breakfast dish which, in my opinion doesn't even need syrup. The flavor of the pancake is recognizable and the flavor of the filling is somewhat remeniscent of marshmellow smores with the hersheys chocolate all inside of a pancake, not just slapped on top. The article really inspired me to create something I have never seen before and prehaps could change the landscape of pancakes in my area. It's time for a pancake that is actually stuffed with a filling people will like, not just topped with tubbed cheesecake and an overly sweet fruit sauce.

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